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Tarrango Lynallan Ruffian

D.O.B. August 31, 2016

Echo Normal - 2019

CERF Normal - 2019

Ruffian got a late start in the game, we were moving, she was young and wild - so we took some time. She has been shown a small handful of times in 2018 and to show for that has 2 breed wins over specials, a WB and BOW. We hope to have her Championship completed in the near future.
She is a Violet daughter, sired by Loimu. Always good for a laugh and a gentle soul.

Ruffian produced a fantastic litter bred to Nasusa Cacique. She is Prophet's mother (BIS BISS Multi Group Winning GChB Tarrango's Telling Tales, AOM). Sadly she suffered a very aggresive gangrenous mastitis and I decided to spay her to avoid any potential for future risks. She now lives with some great friends not too far away who have lots of whippet experience and give her the best of everything. 

Softouch Finders Keepers x Lynallan Never Gets The Blues

Ruffian says ok - the kid got her turn.
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She ain't perfect but she is mine...and
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